Tuesday, December 22, 2009

One More Week!!

Sorry for the long gap between entries...but there has not been that much happening...Well, a lot of little things are happening, just nothing major!! Overall, I think its a good thing that there is nothing major going on at this stage! We are now just 1 week away from finding out if we are going to have a boy or a girl...and I am so very excited!!

First, the little things that are going on...We have received the family bassinet!! Brad and Heather called and told us that Molly is finished with the bassinet, so it is now in the nursery! Some of you are probably saying, "so what, its just a bassinet!!" Well, for sappy family guys like me this bassinet means much more! Everyone that has been placed in the bassinet is written on the bottom and it is really cool for me to continue the tradition. We are now also starting to get Christmas gifts for the baby...i knew it would be pretty cool to get these things, but I didn't think it would be this great!! I like opening stuff for the baby more than stuff for me! We got a cool Ravens one-sie and hat, and a toy chest with a bunch of toys so far! I'm sure there is more of this coming with our trip to NY on the horizon!

Christine is still feeling fantastic, which apparently means that we are having a boy! Do I believe that when people say it? No, but any signs that point to boy I usually think are accurate! I have been giving a lot of thought to the boy/girl question lately, and by a lot I mean NON-STOP...and i have to say I have imagined it both ways. We can find out the sex on December 29th which is next Tuesday!!! Needless to say we are very excited, and anxious to get the results. We cant wait to call the baby by name; instead of Baby Davis! We have picked out names, and we are set for either gender. For a boy we are going with Kevin James (after our fathers), and for a girl we are going with Meghan Elizabeth. So, there it is!! You are all in the loop on the names! Next week around 2pm we will be posting the results either on this blog or on facebook - probably on both! I will be crying either way...either because I will be having a daddy's girl, or my little boy! Keep the prayers coming for a healthy baby, at this point that is all that matters!

I would also like to take this time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy holiday season. I would also like to acknowledge friends with family members and/or friends that are fighting for our country overseas. I am very happy to report that my friend Gina welcomed her brother home from the war this week. Gina, Dom truly is a hero, and I am happy that you and your family can celebrate with him this Christmas! Please give him all of our heartfelt thanks and love. Spend as much time with your family as possible this holiday folks - Family is everything, without it - we are nothing!! See ya next week, I cant wait to blog some more good news!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Getting Hit (not what you think....yet)

So, I have learned quickly that things "hit you" at different times during pregnancy. No, I am not talking about Christine punching and knocking me out - although that could be coming...I am referring to those moments where you realize what is about to happen in life. Hearing the heartbeat was one of those moments, seeing it was another, and now putting up Christmas decorations has "hit me!" This will be the last Christmas that I will have without a child...and I get to be Santa next year! I know, this stuff sounds so weird and almost non-masculine...but I'm sorry, I am soaking it all in here! It's never a bad thing when you are true to yourself and true to who you are when expressing feelings. At least, that's what I was taught!

Christine has continued her fantastic pregnancy and has still not felt sick! Most of our friends seem to give her a bad look when she says this stuff because they refer back to their pregnancy woes. But, she really enjoys being preggo...and for a husband that is a good thing! We are both really looking forward to December 29th to find out what we are going to have. A lot of you think we are going to continue the Mount Saint Mary's trend and have a boy....for those of you that don't know what that is - let me explain. Christine has many great friends from the Mount, and so far 4 of them have had a child.....ALL BOYS! The 5th, is due at any moment, is a BOY! So Christine will either break the streak, or keep it alive! Personally, I am not really interested in all these boys having an interested in my daughter (if I have a girl that is) for a prom date. I would like it, however, if my BOY joined some of the other boys on the Calvert Hall Football Team....see where i am going with this?? And if it is a boy..i already saw about 1,000 things to be at the CHC school store! I would also be a happy father if i had a daughter...she would be a nun, but i would be very proud of my nun! Feel free to post away with what you think we will have...its always fun to hear the responses!

In closing, I just want to say that I am fully appreciative of all the comments and words of encouragement I have received about writing this blog. Some of the personal messages and facebook comments I have received have really touched me, and in some cases have brought a tear to my eye. I am not writing just to get a reaction, or say things just because they sound good. All that appears in this blog comes directly from my feelings...that's the only way I know! I have always wore my heart on my sleeve, and I mean everything i write...I honestly could not be happier at this point in my life. So, thank you to all of you who have taken the time to write me - and please...keep reading!